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What are adaptogens and how do they get into tea?

The term “Adaptogen” is used to refer to specific plants that have natural qualities that build resistance to stress from physical, biological and environmental factors. Though adaptogens have been used for hundred of years in traditional medicine, modern science has begun controlled testing in the past century to quantify how they work on regulating adrenal glands and in normalizing physiologic influence.

Teas brewed with leaves and roots from adaptogen plants are considered tisanes or herbal tea as the plants themselves are not from the Camellia sinensis plant or (green tea plant). The leaves are processed and brewed just like any other blend. Steep times may be slightly longer to allow some of the harder plants and roots to open and release their healing properties. 

Why are they appealing?

Herbal teas have phenomenal benefits for the body. Adaptogenic Herbal Tea, thought not as widely available, is prized for its enhanced effect on stress, endurance and stamina in addition to the added healing properties of traditional herbal tea. They are not as common because access to plants with adaptogens can be more difficult than sourcing traditional herbal tea plants. Adaptogens offer energy without the “crash” and are non-habit forming.  

Other benefits that have been recognized by many and traditional medicine, and currently have not been proven by completed isolated studies at this time, include using adpatogenic plant for transformative support with clinical depression and anxiety, inflammation, cardiovascular health, anti-viral support, and vitality.