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Brouhaha Tea Company is committed to supporting farmers who use renewable resources and natural ecosystems to conserve and maintain the soil and water without polluting the environment. Examples of this process includes organic farming practices such as using compost, manure, and crop rotation to keep the soil healthy naturally. Healthy soil helps to build the natural resistance of the plants to disease and pests. Organic farming helps to prevent soil erosion and protects local wildlife, streams and watersheds instead of conventional farming which can harm local ecosystems with chemical fertilizers and pesticides, pollute waterways and potentially cause harm to the body.

Though our farmers have been certified as organic suppliers, in order for Brouhaha Tea Co. products to bear the USDA label seal as “organic”, over “natural” or “sustainably grown”, annual membership with the NOP (National Organic Program). Brouhaha Tea Co. plans to participate with the NOP by the end of 2024. To show additional verification for our products that are Organic and to be able to present the additional USDA label seal on our packaging.